Hi, I'm Sylvain Abélard

The Ruby community lives by fun, whimsy & nonsense.
@tenderlove and KeepRubyWeird, we love you!
But how can we bring this to a meetup? I'd love to see:

Different forms

I'd love to see talks at ParisRB, meetups or conferences in various forms. Slides, opinion, dialogue, live-coding are great, but how about talks:

as a song
(hat tip Jim Weirich)
as a theater play
please come back, Martin van Aken!
hand drawn
I wanted Master to Student to be one

Slidedeck karaoke

You present someone else's slides that you discover on the spot. I actually have some decks ready for this! Feel free to use them.

Stealing talks

I want to steal at least two talks:

Mastering Arel, by Dan Schultz
because many people I meet need more of this
The Optimism series by Reginald Braithwaite
Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman - animated book review
Optimism II